🎮 Marvel’s Spider-Man swings close to perfection in a satisfying and emotional adventure (In-Depth Review) 🎮


Developer (Platform): Insomniac Games (PlayStation 5)

Publisher (Release): Sony Interactive Entertainment (2018)

Length: 20-30 hours

Genres: Superhero; Action; Sci-Fi; Open-World


contains moderate violence

this review contains low-level spoilers

recommendation: must play

👍 Pros 👍

Fantastic opening and frenetic final half

Powerful characters and relationships

Traversal and combat mechanics are rich and easy to come to grips with

👎 Cons 👎

Lacklustre pace for Act 1 after such an explosive opening

Repetitive side content

👀 Synopsis & Trailer 👀

When Spider-Man (aka Peter Parker) puts away crime kingpin Fisk after years of deadly battles, the web-slinging hero should have a little time for things other than crime fighting, right? Wrong. Fisk’s imprisonment creates a vacuum a gang calling themselves Demons rush to fill and, while the former kingpin revelled in his crimes, Peter realises he held a chaotic peace the Demons see no reason to uphold. Unpredictable and bloodthirsty, their enigmatic leader has their sights set on New York’s mayor Norman Osbourne, and, if Spider-Man and co. can’t unravel the conspiracy as to why, the city will suffer in almost unimaginable ways.

🛎️ Introduction 🛎️

Better late than never, right? In all honesty, I can’t believe it took me until Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 released for me to get my butt in gear and play the first game (which has been on my backlog since release). That disbelief turned into frustration when I realised I’d been missing out on one the best superhero games created. Marvel’s Spider-Man showcases developer Insomniac’s sheer love for the character and all the mythology that goes with him. It’s emotional, addictive, and utterly, utterly satisfying.

🧩 Plots 🧩

Spider-Man kicks off with a pretty big bang, sending us to bring in crime kingpin Fisk on an explosive crash course into the game’s traversal and combat mechanics. It completely skips bothering the player with any origin story, trusting that we know the basics of such a popular superhero in today’s world of superhero overload. It’s a pace booster that somewhat crumbles when the high-flying beginning immediately switches to a more languish pace. This sudden slowing is a little glaring, relying on the characters to do the heavy lifting while the story develops largely behind the scenes, leaving a good portion of Act 1 and the beginning of Act 2 a tad bleh.

Can he do what a spider can?

Credit: Personal Screenshot/Insomniac Games (PS5)

That slow crawl swings itself into a cascading chaos that’s pure adrenaline straight to the heart. The latter half of Act 2 and all of Act 3 are absolute masterclasses in storytelling, bringing together parts of the Spider-Man mythology and lovingly weaving them into the superhero epic players are looking for. It’s another area where developer Insomniac shows a real care for what the world and character stand for, imbuing genuine emotion and tight narratives into a climactic finale.

Yes…and so much more

Credit: Personal Screenshot/Insomniac Games (PS5)

It wasn’t until that finale that I appreciated all the simmering plotlines Insomniac perhaps too heavily weighted Act 1 with. They craft a compelling tale that telegraphs just enough to set the player’s spider-sense a-tingling and get their little brain gears turning to piece together the disparate threads. I will say that anyone looking for some earth-shattering story full of complex depth and thoughtful analysis will be disappointed (although I’m not sure why you’d be playing this game for that), but for old and new fans alike, Marvel’s Spider-Man pays a heart-pounding homage to the character’s rich history of heroism, identity, and the consequences of choices both selfless and selfish.

…Act 2 and all of Act 3 are absolute masterclasses in storytelling…

🎭 Characters 🎭

Unsurprisingly, our primary character is the original Spider-Man, Peter Parker. Voiced with genuine intelligence and goofiness by Yuri Lowenthal, Insomniac and Yuri nail the duality of Peter Parker’s everyman and Spider-Man’s more confident wit. Outside of this, most of Parker’s development wisely comes from the supporting cast members rather than the story. I say wisely because, while easy to follow, the game’s story uses a wealth of Easter Eggs from the world’s rich history that comes with the potential of missing beats with newcomers, diluting some of the intended development of the character. Alternatively, the people around Peter, his relationships, and how they progress are much more relatable focus points. In fact, one of the most underrated aspects of the game, for me, comes from the podcast-esque musings of J. Jonah Jameson as he provides some healthy comedy in blaming Spider-Man for everything bad happening on Earth, but, like a broken clock can be right twice a day, Jameson highlights an aspect of Peter’s character many overlook: his ego.

Without a doubt, Peter Parker is a compassionate and often selfless hero who rushes into danger to protect and uplift life. However, there’s no denying that this brashness comes with its own consequences, including worsening situations that might have been resolved with more qualified intervention. His drive can often overtake his caution and, softly portrayed through his interactions with others, there’s a certain superiority he wields whenever a friend or enemy comes close to stepping out of his shadow.

Glad I wasn’t around for the face drama

Credit: Personal Screenshot/Insomniac Games (PS5)

Parker, however, isn’t the only playable character in Marvel’s Spider-Man, nor the only one who affects the microcosm that is New York City. Mary Jane Watson and Miles Morales join the webhead in his adventure and carve their own place in the story. MJ especially caught me off guard. Initially, she seems reckless and her gameplay sections feel too slow, too simple, and too short in comparison to Spider-Man’s frenetic web-zipping, but, like a lot in this game, Insomniac lets her bubble predictably before showcasing her frustration. Her own drive and confidence are often smothered by Parker’s love and ego. She wants to help just as much as he does and, while she may not be superhuman, the player comes to appreciate that her choice matters just as much regardless.

Joining the two in a smaller role is Miles Morales and it’s here that Insomniac balances Spider-Man’s renown with a nifty little origin story that helps develop the studio’s own vision of this superhero world.

Through fire, a hero is born

Credit: Personal Screenshot/Insomniac Games (PS5)

Familiar favourites abound to help round out the roster, with Aunt May (equally heartwarming as she is heartbreaking), Doctor Otto Octavius (equally heartwarming as he is heartbreaking), Norman Osbourne (equally slimy as he is equally slimy), and some exciting villainous favourites like Shocker, Rhino, Vulture, and Scorpion (and, yes, you do get to take them on, they’re not wasted on dramatic cutscenes like I’d initially feared). Each and every character does the heavy lifting to begin with, building strong, emotional foundations that give the latter half of the game so much, if not all, of its spirit.

Familiar favourites abound…

👾 Gameplay and Graphics 👾

Marvel’s Spider-Man is without a doubt the best Spider-Man game and, arguably, one of the best superhero games created. I thought nothing would come close to my love for Forspoken’s traversal mechanics but Spider-Man eclipses it with tight and addictive web-slinging joy. Zipping around New York is so much fun and I hadn’t even noticed the game’s lack of fast travel until I unlocked it. Even then, I used it just about as much as I have fingers on one hand. It’s the ultimate thrill to traverse the city that there’s never any compelling reason not to. It’s not perfect, with small movements in small places being the bane of my damn existence, but for a first go, it’s damn near perfect.

Likewise with combat, from simple melee combos, gadgets, to unlockable skills, Insomniac has done an exemplary job of crafting a balanced set of gameplay mechanics that help even the most casual of gamers feel ultra slick and stylish. There are even options for stealth that are solid and deliciously sneaky (and mostly unforced). Throw in a wealth of suits, mods, and accessibility options, and Marvel’s Spider-Man is an easy choice for one hell of a satisfying gaming experience.

One big playground

Credit: Personal Screenshot/Insomniac Games (PS5)

Graphically, the game holds up really well given its release in 2018 (although I was playing the Remastered edition for the PlayStation 5). Lighting and reflections are strong, loading times for PS5 players are basically non-existent, and the entire experience is accompanied by a stirring soundtrack and witty one-liners that keep the tone from becoming stale.

Slick on all fronts

Credit: Personal Screenshot/Insomniac Games (PS5)

On a more critical note, while the game floods the player with a wealth of side quests, side missions, collectables, and mini-dramas to resolve, you’ll find supplementary content outside the main plot becomes incredibly repetitive incredibly quickly. Some blue-highlighted side quests provide some fun little stories, but everything else should be done as and when needed. Personally, I recommend giving everything a go at least once here and there, but, if you’re not too fussy about 100%ing the game, a large portion of side stuff can be dismissed to help streamline your flow through the game.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is without a doubt the best Spider-Man game…

🧠 Final Thoughts 🧠

Marvel’s Spider-Man is pretty darn near perfect. An admittedly slow start builds powerful relationships that crescendo when Insomniac really ups the ante in Acts 2 and 3. Characters shine and gameplay is king as the developer crafts one of the best traversal mechanics in gaming period, allowing the player to truly experience the web-zipping adventures of a beloved superhero with style and substance. Combat is slick with enough complexity to carry it through to the endgame and, as long as you don’t mind the repetitive side content, New York is jam-packed with things to do outside the main story.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is, in my opinion, the best game of the character yet to be created and one of the best superhero games you can currently pick up.

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