🎮 Still Wakes the Deep is a chilling creature-feature crawling with atmosphere (In-Depth Review) 🎮

1975, North Sea, Scotland.
Cameron ‘Caz’ McLeary works aboard the Beira D, an offshore oil rig facing industrial action over a dangerously cheap infrastructure, but when Caz’s past follows him out to sea, before he can face it, a disaster uncovers an unknown creature that joins the riggers onboard…

Isolated, cut off, and battered by the relentlessly ferocious weather, Caz and his fellow workers will need to pull on all of their strengths to keep the Beira D afloat, all the while avoiding a mysterious monster haunting its halls. Continue reading 🎮 Still Wakes the Deep is a chilling creature-feature crawling with atmosphere (In-Depth Review) 🎮

🎮 Senua’s Saga is a stunning sequel whose highs struggle to combat its lows (In-Depth Review) 🎮

Senua returns in a brutal journey of survival through myth and torment of Viking Iceland. Intent on saving those who have fallen victim to the horrors of tyranny, Senua faces a battle of overcoming the darkness within and without. Continue reading 🎮 Senua’s Saga is a stunning sequel whose highs struggle to combat its lows (In-Depth Review) 🎮

🎮 Miles Morales swings onto the scene with some truly electrifying moves (In-Depth Review) 🎮

When Peter Parker leaves New York to join MJ in Symkaria, he leaves Miles Morales in charge of the city’s protection. Uncertain and developing new powers at a brisk pace, Miles will launch into a deeply personal conspiracy that will truly test whether he can wear the mantle of Spider-Man. Continue reading 🎮 Miles Morales swings onto the scene with some truly electrifying moves (In-Depth Review) 🎮

🎮 Dead Space 2 deftly dodges the curse of bad sequels (In-Depth Review) 🎮

Three years after escaping the USG Ishimura, Isaac Clarke awakens on The Sprawl, a space station within Saturn’s moon, as a new necromorph nightmare begins and the consequences of Isaac’s contact with the alien Marker wreak havoc on his sanity. Continue reading 🎮 Dead Space 2 deftly dodges the curse of bad sequels (In-Depth Review) 🎮