🎮 TLoU: Part 1 is the definitive experience…but it can’t quite justify its full-price release (In-Depth Review) 🎮

Join Joel and Ellie as they travel across what remains of a post-apocalyptic United States. Threatened by not only the hordes of fungal-infected victims, the duo will have to contend with the last of the world’s survivors as they search for salvation. Continue reading 🎮 TLoU: Part 1 is the definitive experience…but it can’t quite justify its full-price release (In-Depth Review) 🎮

🎮 Marvel’s Spider-Man swings close to perfection in a satisfying and emotional adventure (In-Depth Review) 🎮

When Spider-Man (aka Peter Parker) puts away crime kingpin Fisk after years of deadly battles, the web-slinging hero should have a little time for things other than crime fighting, right? Wrong. Fisk’s imprisonment creates a vacuum a gang calling themselves Demons rush to fill and, while the former kingpin revelled in his crimes, Peter realises he held a chaotic peace the Demons see no reason to uphold. Unpredictable and bloodthirsty, their enigmatic leader has their sights set on New York’s mayor Norman Osbourne, and, if Spider-Man and co. can’t unravel the conspiracy as to why, the city will suffer in almost unimaginable ways. Continue reading 🎮 Marvel’s Spider-Man swings close to perfection in a satisfying and emotional adventure (In-Depth Review) 🎮

🎮 Hogwarts Legacy is the letter we never received as children (In-Depth Review) 🎮

The Wizarding World is on the edge of chaos with a goblin rebellion on the horizon, poachers ravaging the Scottish Highlands of magical beasts, and the threat of an old, dark power ready to be unleashed. It’s during this time during the late 1800s that you receive the coveted letter welcoming you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but after a dragon attack disrupts your journey there and a mysterious magic only you seem to be able to wield unearths an even deeper conspiracy, there’s no doubt your year at Hogwarts will be eventful…if not deadly Continue reading 🎮 Hogwarts Legacy is the letter we never received as children (In-Depth Review) 🎮